Why Face-to-Face is the Best way to Meet Your Date
By CitySwooner | July 11th, 2014
Most communication is done non-verbally. According to Wikipedia, research indicates up to 60% – 70% of our communication is done via body language, non verbally.
Think about that and let it sink in, it’s amazing!
Yet, today we are confronted with an ever increasing technology that is changing the way we first meet people.

There’s a real spark.
Implications for Online Dating
What about going on a date? Well, like most single people these days you’ve probably had an in-depth online encounter before meeting up. Reviewed their profile, likes and dislikes, had a chat on email, and if things progressed, you may even have swapped phone numbers before you start dating.
So, then you meet.
And, well, they very often don’t quite stack up to the expectations that you have built up around their profile or from their messaging and even conversing with them on the phone. Check out OKcupids blog on common online dating lies people tell.
What does this mean for online dating? Well, we think it’s huge and we believe it is a fundamental flaw in the whole concept of meeting someone.
CitySwoon Solution – Meet First!
Because of this we think online dating is back-to-front. You would be better off meeting anonymously at first, then catching up online if there was a spark.
We think that rather than investing so much time emailing and viewing misleading profiles that don’t really give you the full picture of a person, you should actually cut to the chase and just meet up.
After all, until you meet up, you may only get a small part of what that person is about.
On CitySwoon, you meet at a venue of your choice with people similar to you. Don’t like them, hey, no hard feelings, just part ways. If there was an instant connection? Fantastic!!
What if you are not sure about them straight away? Well, just wait till the next day when we give you their CitySwoon name so you can exchange contact details them online and maintain your anonymity.
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