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Speed Dating Hobart - Local singles events

Smart matching at live events. CitySwoon is the most successful way to date.
Hobart Events:
  • Singles Parties with CitySwoon featured in Cosmopolitan
  • Speed Dating Virtual in
  • Speed Dating Events featured on Sunrise
  • Speed Dating Events CitySwoon featured in SMH
  • Speed Dating CitySwoon featured on Nine
  • Speed Dating Events - Financial Review
  • Speed Dating CitySwoon in the media

Speed Dating 2.0 - see also, online speed dating

Cityswoon Hobart: it's speed dating's cooler, more adventurous cousin.

  • Brace yourself, it is time to meet someone amazing.
  • Experience a new era of speed dating in Hobart, where you meet your best matches, selected out of the crowd.
  • At every event, you have a 95% chance of meeting someone who you are attracted to, and a 90% chance of finding one or more mutual ★★★★★ five star matches.
  • CitySwoon Hobart also offers online dating, with matches powered by the real-world event machine learning, enhancing your online matches astronomically.
  • Fueled by by a patented algorithmic matching technology exclusive to CitySwoon.
  • This is the ultimate dating experience with the highest success rate ever statistically recorded.

Real Life Speed Dating 2.0

Very different to regular speed dating in Hobart - think algorithmic matching meets live events! Extremely fun and very friendly - don't settle for ordinary dating.

Singles Bars Near Me

With events all over Hobart - and with an even bigger pool of peeps than ordinary speed dating, your odds are looking amazing! You'll be matched with some seriously awesome people nearby.

Online Dating Portal

Supercharge your dating success. Our matchmaking AI selects your best matches every day, and with feedback from our in-person events, it only gets better. Prepare for an unbeatable dating experience!

Single giving a testimonial about a CitySwoon singles event
"Amazed at how well I was matched and how fun and easy it was! Really great hosts and fun dates."

Sarah M, 23 star

Single man's testimonial about a CitySwoon singles event
"Awesome night with amazing people!"

Denis C, 30

Singles testimonial about a CitySwoon singles event
"I like the flow of the event. The pace was perfect. I would definitely come to another one of your events, if I am not in a relationship by then :)"

Diana L, 33

The CitySwoon Dating Algorithm

Imagine this: You go out to a local singles bar, and you have a 90% chance of meeting someone, where you both feel the chemistry, and want to see each other again. That's what happens on average to every person at every CitySwoon singles event.

Which means, you could stay home in your slippers, or you could get out there and meet that person who makes your heart race faster!

Over half a million people have come to a CitySwoon event, and that's because they are amazing! CitySwoon is the most successful dating site, in terms of match outcomes, and we want to share the stats with you.

Click to see more on why CitySwoon is the most successful way to date.

Speed Dating FAQ

Where can I meet singles near me in?

Hobart is teeming with singles who are keen to meet up. Your options are as diverse as the city itself - from salsa dancing classes to rooftop bars, and everything in between. But if you're looking for a turbo-charged way to meet like-minded peeps, CitySwoon's speed dating events are where it's at. With a mix of fun venues and algorithmic matching, you'll be ready to trade in your quiet nights for an epic dating adventure!

How effective is speed dating in Hobart?

Speed dating in Hobart is like a dating buffet - you get to sample multiple potential matches in one sitting. Not every dish may be to your taste, but you'll certainly find a few that tantalize your taste buds. It's an efficient way to meet new people and potentially find that special someone. And with CitySwoon's algorithmic magic, you'll be matched with folks who share your interests, making your speed dating experience that much more effective and enjoyable!

Click here to see why speed dating is more effective than online dating.

How long do the dates typically last during a speed dating event?

Picture speed dating in Hobart as the espresso of dating events - short, sweet, and to the point. Dates typically last around 10 minutes, giving you just enough time to see if you click with the other person without committing to a full-blown dinner date. It's like a teaser trailer for a potential romantic comedy!

How many people will I meet during a speed dating event in Hobart?

Speed dating is your own personal romantic roulette - you'll typically date around 8 potential matches at each event in Hobart. With CitySwoon's algorithmic wizardry, you'll be matched with a curated selection of singles to maximize compatibility and enjoyment. Who knows, you might just hit the dating jackpot!

CitySwoon events also tend to be bigger than traditional Speed Dating events, as you date a selected 8 people out of a larger crowd. You will most likely chat with more single people at the event, after the official dating part of the night is over.

How do I sign up for a speed dating event?

Sign up for a speed dating event in Hobart like you'd sign up for the latest blockbuster movie. Just click here to see the Hobart events coming up near you, choose one you like, and book your ticket. It's that simple! Get ready to walk down the red carpet of your dating life and enjoy the show.

What should I wear to a speed dating event in Hobart?

Dress to impress, but keep it comfy! Think of it as a first date with multiple people (all in one night). Your outfit should reflect your personality and make you feel confident, but also allow for the fact that you'll be sitting, standing, and potentially doing a bit of light socializing. So, maybe leave your six-inch stilettos and super-tight pants at home, but do show off your style!

Can I bring a friend with me to a speed dating event?

You sure can! Bringing a friend to a speed dating event is like having a trusty sidekick by your side during a romantic adventure. They can provide moral support, exchange notes on potential matches, and even join in on the dating fun. Just make sure they're also single and signed up for your event in Hobart!

What age groups typically attend speed dating events in Hobart?

Speed dating events cater to a wide range of age groups, much like a choose-your-own-adventure novel for romance. Some events are tailored for specific age brackets, while others have a more open age range. So, whether you're a youthful 20-something or a silver fox in your 60s, there's a speed dating event out there waiting for you!

What if I don't feel a connection with anyone during the event?

If you don't feel a connection with anyone during your event Hobart, it's not the end of the world. Just like trying new ice cream flavors, not every scoop is going to be your favorite. But hey, there's always another ice cream parlor (or speed dating event) around the corner. Keep your chin up, and remember that dating is a numbers game - you never know when you'll find your perfect scoop in Hobart!

What happens if I match with someone during a speed dating event?

Congratulations, this is a great feeling! You'll be able to log into CitySwoon, after your Hobart event, and message all of your matches. From there, it's up to you to reach out, set up a date, and continue your adventure in the world of romance. Who knows, you might even end up with a rom-com-worthy love story to tell!

Can I exchange contact information with someone I meet during a speed dating event?

If you feel a spark with someone and would like to keep the conversation going, you will be able to connect with each other on CitySwoon after the event.

Find Love in Hobart with CitySwoon

In a city where history meets modern charm, Hobart is raising the bar for singles events. Nestled between its stunning waterfront and bustling markets, speed dating in Hobart with CitySwoon is revolutionizing the dating scene like a finely aged Tasmanian wine. So, put on your favourite outfit and get ready to dive into the vibrant world of speed dating in the heart of Tasmania.

Hobart Speed Dating: Events at Great Singles Bars

Imagine this: you're at a trendy, atmospheric venue, sipping on a locally brewed beer or a fine Tasmanian wine, mingling with a lively crowd, and going on mini-dates with those who match your vibe. Sounds like a dream? Well, pinch yourself, because this is exactly what you'll experience at a CitySwoon speed dating event in Hobart.

Say goodbye to awkward pickup lines and tedious small talk. Instead, you'll be chatting with a selection of eligible singles, all while soaking in the unique charm of Hobart.

What makes CitySwoon the ultimate speed dating experience in Hobart? It's their innovative approach to matchmaking that makes all the difference. Utilizing a smart algorithm, CitySwoon pairs you with a curated group of compatible individuals from a larger crowd. This means you'll only meet those who truly resonate with you, making the whole experience feel like a perfect match.

And CitySwoon events are not confined to just any old venue. You'll be in the coolest spots around Hobart, adding an extra layer of excitement to the evening.

The Best Speed Dating Events in Hobart

The best part? CitySwoon's Hobart speed dating events cater to every type of single. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, an art lover, or a food and wine aficionado, there's a CitySwoon singles event in Hobart just for you. The city's speed dating scene is as diverse as its cultural offerings, ensuring you find your perfect match.

Calling Hobart Singles

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to put aside the dating apps and traditional speed dating methods and dive into the thrilling world of speed dating 2.0 in Hobart with CitySwoon. With a variety of singles events near you, there's never been a better time to put yourself out there and find your match. Who knows, you might meet someone who brings a new spark to your life! And if not, you'll have some great stories to share.

Happy dating, Hobart!